Welcome to Light Photography's blog site

Light is the most important component for taking a photograph. If there is no Light, there can be no photo, no record of a memory, a kiss, a laugh, a tear, a fist....I hope this blog and my photos will bring some LIGHT into your lives, as it has been a beacon in mine!--Leslie Berner

Monday, April 26, 2010

Maskell Family Photo Shoot

The Maskells won a Family shoot at my studio. It is so easy to take beautiul photos when you have gorgeous subjects!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Maternity - Scholtz Family

This is one of my very close friends. She and her husband were exspecting their first baby when I did this shoot for them. They ended up having a girl. Congratulations to Ilana and Fritz!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


A friend of mine and her husband stay on a beautiful plot just outside Johannesburg. They have so many horses, when I asked her how many they have, she thought for a while, and said, 'lots!'.

She has a favourite horse, Polo. It is amazing how she could point out and recognise each horse. They all looked the same to me! I suppose if you have a passion and a love for something, everything you do relating to it comes naturally!

I also had some interesting encounters with flies and dung pats!heehee! All worth it the end, got some really creative pics!



I decided to play around with my camera and asked my sister to pose for me.She is so confident and spontaneous!

Amogalang Molapo

I like to think of this little girl as a butterfly girl, she is absolutely gorgeous, has no cares in the world, just laughs, giggles, plays. Isn't that what he essential meaning of life is? To enjoy every moment? When did we stop riding on the wind? When did we stop to see what each day will bring? Stop, smell the flowers...listen to the rain... SMILE!!!!!!!!!!

Maya Hattingh

This little baby girl was 9 months old when I took these photos. She is the friendliest little thing alive. I just ended up experimenting with black and white and sepia photos. I also had a go at the seleting tools in photoshop, so that I could keep her in sepia and the flower in full colour.

Needless to say, it is quite difficult to keep a baby entertained while I take the photos. We had to come up with interesting ways to keep her attention!oh, well I think the shoot went pretty well in the end!Got a few very nice pics!

Thank you Wietske, that I could photograph Maya!